1. “The [Monarch] Butterfly Effect” (password: Mariposa)
    An international student film team – from American University School of Communication and Tecnologico de Monterrey - traveled to the remote mountains of Mexico to tell the epic story of the Monarch migration and the indigenous community who protect their overwintering reserve. (video - 20 minutes)
  2. NPR “Monarch Butterfly Population Rejuvenated After Record Low”
  3. USA TODAY “Monarch butterfly gets endangered species look”
  4. The Washington Post "Creating a haven for butterflies and bees"
    Washington Post gardening editor Adrian Higgins, describes how to rework your garden to support nature’s pollinators in this Local Living cover story.
  5. The New York Times “Migration of Monarch Butterflies Shrink Under Inhospitable Conditions”
  6. Huffington Post “Supermarket Without Bees: What Would the Produce Section Look Like Without Pollinators”
    (Move slider across photo image with your mouse).
  7. The Washington Post “A gardener’s guide to saving the monarch”

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